For Professional Development what’s your Enneagram Communication Style?
One of the most powerful and impactful ways to utilize the enneagram is to understand communication patterns of each of the types. Understanding your own communication patterns can allow you to express your needs more clearly to others. Knowing others can help you to come to more favorable outcomes for all.
We communicate constantly- you think we’d all be tuned in and understand the communication styles of everyone. However most of us just believe everyone should communicate the way WE personally communicate. Just as their are 9 types of personalities- there are 9 distinct ways of communicating. None is “better” or more “correct” than another.
Here is a quick snip-it of each and then a more in-depth overview will be below.
Communication Strengths: Proper, formal, appropriate, honest, straightforward, to the point, polite, advising.
Communication Weaknesses: Sermons, judging, lectures, opinionated, correcting, blunt, “tone deaf”.
Common Words/Sayings: “should”, “ought”, “must”, “That’s not right/fair”, “rules”, “right/wrong”
How to Communicate With a 1: Be straight forward and honest. Say exactly what you mean. Take out the fluff. When approaching a one with a critique be aware that they have likely already been critical of themselves about something. They may come back with defensiveness in service to their core fear of being wrong.
Communication Development for a type 1: Bring awareness to your underlying message. Enter into communication with others with a more open and curious lens. Allow yourself to wonder if their perspective might add to your own. Allow them to have their way and question your own perspective as harshly as you may critique theirs
Tends to want to help others and has a more sacrificial way of thinking.
Communication Strengths: Compassionate, relational, helpful, sympathetic, understanding, concerned, caring.
Communication Weaknesses: Unsolicited advice, intrusive, meddlesome, interfering, manipulative, indirect.
Common Words/Sayings: “need”, “help”, “support”, “Are you ok?”, “appreciate”, “Anything I can do?”.
How to Communicate With a 2: Share your feelings. Let me know you appreciate me. Be a bit more gentile as 2’s can have rejection sensitivity. Give me a specific affirmation for how my advice has helped you.
Communication Development for a type 2: Try to remove extra flattery from your communication. You will still do it automatically, but if you are cognizant about it you will notice how often you’re doing it. Understand you are doing this to try to get the other person to like you and see you as kind. Be direct about your needs and wants. Use the language “I feel __ bc__I need__” When you communicate with others do not fall into the trap of thinking they should just know what you want/need. 2’s commonly feel they are able to do this with others and don’t understand why everyone else can’t do this for them.
Tends to want to crush goals and has a more efficient focused way of thinking.
Communication Strengths: Confident, efficient, clear, problem solving, encouraging, self-assured, poised.
Communication Weaknesses: Impatient, withholding, concealing, self-promoting, conceited, “moving on” quickly without processing.
Common Words/Sayings: “goals”, “best”, “work”, “I’ve got to get this done.”, “succeed”, “busy”
How to Communicate With a 3: Be direct and tactful. Tell me what you actually want. Affirmations go a long way. If you’re addressing criticism ensure it’s not in front of others (fear of being exposed)
Communication Development for Type 3: Threes' fast pace may make them somewhat impatient when sharing ideas and they can benefit from slowing down and being more open to alternative perspectives and deeper consideration before moving to act. Instead of getting frustrated by others pace- slow yours down a beat and connect with the present moment.
Tends to want to find meaning and has a more emotion based way of thinking.
Communication Strengths: Empathetic, impassioned, authentic, deep, curious, emotional, revealing, expressive.
Communication Weaknesses: Overly intense, self-focused, emotional, wordy, condescending, meandering. Can tend to only focus on past traumas or issues that are arising for them now.
Common Words/Sayings: “feel”, “mood”, “beauty”, “You don’t understand.”, “deep”, "aesthetic”, “you don’t get it/me”.
How to Communicate With a 4: Share your authentic self. Don’t try to fix me, allow me to be me. Hold space for me to share my feelings without judgement. Tell me what you “see” in me- validate me.
Communication Development for Type 4: balance the depth and intensity of their communication; perhaps by focusing more on objective facts and tasks. Fours may also benefit from being aware that others may find the depth and personal nature of their communication intrusive and need more time to build trust.
Tends to want to gain knowledge and has a more logical way of thinking.
Communication Strengths: Observant, curious, logical, non-intrusive, respectful, passionate about their knowledge area.
Communication Weaknesses: Cold, overly brief, arrogant, withdrawn, impersonal, guarded, mechanical. Only want to talk about what they care about and have little time to listen to other topics.
Common Words/Sayings: “logic”, “research”, quotes for respected people, “You’ll notice that…”, “actually”, “I can handle it myself".”
How to Communicate With a 5: Be logical and upfront. Ask me for my thoughts not my feelings.
Communication development for type 5: Fives prefer to keep their space and use digital or written communication channels and can often improve their communication by connecting in person more often to build deeper, more personal relationships. Due to the ambivalence they feel towards most things, they may tend to write off people quickly. Work on leaning into other people’s curiosities and connecting with them.
Tends to want support and has a more cautious way of thinking.
Communication Strengths: Listening, caring, warm, witty, complex, detail oriented, curious, supportive, seeing the issue and having ways to solve it.
Communication Weaknesses: Reactive, overly skeptical, anxious, self-doubting, contradictory, contrarian, easily agitated.
Common Words/Sayings: “maybe”, “doubt”, “It depends.”, “I don’t think I trust that.”, “safe”, “I’m not sure.”, “What do you think?”, “What if..”
How to Communicate With a 6: Provide all the details. Do not belittle my fears and worries. Do not hide things from me- I have issues trusting people and hiding things makes me lose trust in you. Don’t be put off by my need to have emotional reactivity to something, It’s just my initial reaction.
Communication development for type 6: They can improve communication by taking time to collect their thoughts and distinguish between facts and fears or projections before engaging with others.
Tends to want to be satisfied and has a more positive way of thinking.
Communication Strengths: Lively, engaging, upbeat, optimistic, joyful, silver line (When used to support and encourage).
Communication Weaknesses: Avoidant, scattered, talks too fast, distracted, self-focused, rolling thoughts that jump from one thing to another, silver lining (this is a weakness when they are using it to avoid or fix).
Common Words/Sayings: “fun”, “exciting”, “Yes!!!”, “Let’s do it!!!”, “freedom”, “Why not!?”, “Now you’re speaking my language!”, “I want to do that.”
How to Communicate With a 7: Don’t get too negative. Give the perks of what you are asking. Find the “good” in the thing you are talking about. If approaching with something negative let them know you won’t talk about it forever but you need to discuss it briefly.
Communication development for type 7: Seven's spontaneous, fast-paced style can seem self-absorbed and limit their ability to truly listen to others. They can improve their effectiveness by slowing down and consciously creating space to hear others without anticipation or impatience.
Tends to want independence and has a more bold way of thinking.
Communication Strengths: Direct, straightforward, honest, protective, confident.
Communication Weaknesses: Aggressive, demanding, insensitive, blunt, easily angered.
Common Words/Sayings: “control”, “protect”, “strong”, “Don’t tell me what to do.”, “freedom”.
How to Communicate With a 8: Be straightforward like I am. Give me time to process privately.
Communication development for type 8: Eights need to be aware that their certainty can shut down or intimidate different perspectives, preventing others from asking questions or offering contributions. If they slow down and listen to other perspectives they may enlist others more quickly than just forging ahead leaving people in their wake.
Tends to want harmony and has a more accepting way of thinking.
Communication Strengths: Receptive, nonjudgmental, gentle, supportive, good listener, open to hearing multiple perspectives, seeing all sides of the matter.
Communication Weaknesses: Avoidant, passive, not forthcoming, indecisive, meandering, struggles to get to point, passive-aggressive.
Common Words/Sayings: “peace”, “Whatever you think.”, “I don’t care.”, “I’m sure he/she/they meant well.”, “conflict”, “Sure.”, “It’s up to you.”, “get along”, “it’s not worth it” (may be more internal that they are saying that)
How to Communicate With a 9: Give me either/or options (as opposed to open ended options). Don’t interrupt me if I’m talking. Ask for my opinion and allow me some time to express it. Ask for more details and give me space to explore my thoughts on the matter. Let me know that my opinions and thoughts matter to you- even when we disagree.
Communication development for type 9: Nines can improve their communication by clarifying what is most important, what their point of view is, and what they believe might be a good course of action. Lessen or remove canned responses, fluff, and placations. Determine what it is you’re trying to say with your placation and say it using an I message. (I think/feel___because___") It is not “nicer” to say nothing when you disagree with someone, it’s “nicer” to communicate with them so they are aware if you’re offended.