My Journey to becoming a Certified Enneagram Coach
photo by @theanthonyarroyo
After years of infertility struggles, pregnancy loss, and fertility treatments I finally became a mama. I then entered into a state of postpartum depression and anxiety. On top of being a new mom I was in a toxic and difficult work environment. I needed help, which is when I found a therapist that was trained in the Enneagram.
Once I began to learn about my type my entire life changed. I underwent therapy to work through my struggles and brought my husband along to strengthen our relationship. When I look back over the past few years— and how I’ve grown as a person- I attribute it to my work with the Enneagram.
I became obsessed with the enneagram because I loved how intricate and spot on it was. I was seeing myself in a different light and began to take things less personally. I strengthened my relationship with my husband and many others in my life.
I studied the Enneagram for several years reading books, blogs, and anything I could get my hands on. After making the difficult decision to resign from teaching my interest only grew deeper. I was a guest on a podcast discussing my experiences when one of the hosts suggested becoming an Enneagram Coach. That was it!
I took the courses from the Enneagram University and became certified. I now work with clients 1-1, do workshops, and speaking engagements. I hope to use my experience as an instructional coach and teacher to introduce others to this life changing knowledge.
I am not here to FIX anyone. Nobody is broken- we are all just at different levels of health in our life. It takes hours of self-care and work to make that difference. I would be honored to be the change agent in your life.

I see the world through the lens of a two. That means I’m a compassionate helper who specializes in understanding the needs of others.
What makes me a great coach—
I access my three wing most often. Which is the Successful Achiever. I will stop at nothing to reach my goals.
& Push you towards your own!
Chat with me
If you are interested in learning more about my services and how I can best support you in your journey consider signing up for a free chat with me below.